Province: Eastern Samar Postcode
Eastern Samar is a province in Philippines. Here you can find the postal information, postal code, and administrative division in Eastern Samar.
Eastern Samar Postal Information
Eastern Visayas (Region VIII)
Municipalities & Postcode in Eastern Samar
Here we list all the Municipalities & postal codes in Eastern Samar. You can click the link to get more information.
Municipality | Postcode |
Arteche | 6822 |
Balangiga | 6812 |
Balangkayan | 6801 |
Borongan | 6800 |
Can-Avid | 6806 |
Dolores | 6817 |
General Macarthur | 6805 |
Giporlos | 6811 |
Guiuan | 6809 |
Hernani | 6804 |
Jipapad | 6819 |
Lawaan | 6813 |
Llorente | 6803 |
Maslog | 6820 |
Maydolong | 6802 |
Mercedes | 6808 |
Oras | 6818 |
Quinapondan | 6810 |
Salcedo | 6807 |
San Julian | 6814 |
Eastern Samar Image Illustration