This website specialize in providing detailed postal code information for Philippines, with 2,038 records currently available. Whether you're looking for a specific area's postal code or want to learn about the related administrative divisions, our website offers comprehensive and accurate data.
Here is the list of Philippines' first-level administrative regions, with a total of 17 records. Click the link to get more information about each region and its associated postal codes.
This page provides a postal code lookup tool. Follow the steps to select the region, province, and municipality to retrieve the corresponding postal code.
Philippines' postal codes consist of four digits. The first digit represents the zone, the second digit represent the province, district or city, the last two digits represent municipality or delivery office.
Here is the list of Philippines' postal codes. Click the link to get more information about each postal code.
9309 | 9310 |
7307 | 7308 |
7309 | 7300 |
7302 | 7301 |
7303 | 7304 |
7305 | 7306 |
9311 | 9314 |
9318 | 9319 |
9704 | 9705 |
You can use the search bar on the homepage to enter a city, municipality, or province, or use the Philippines Postal Code Search to find the postal code.
Yes, we offer bulk data packages for businesses or developers. You can purchase the data by Philippines Postcode Database. Philippines Postcode Database.
First, please note that not all places in Philippines have a postal code. If your location does not have one, you can use the postal code of a nearby area or a larger administrative division.
For more questions, please visit our FAQs.