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Eastern Samar, Eastern Visayas (Region VIII)

This is the Eastern Samar Postcode page list. Its detail is as below.

Region 2-Postcode

Which sub-regions are included in Eastern Samar? Here's the list of sub-regions in Eastern Samar.
Region2 Region3
Eastern Samar Borongan City
Eastern Samar Balangkayan
Eastern Samar Maydolong
Eastern Samar Llorente
Eastern Samar Hernani
Eastern Samar General MacArthur
Eastern Samar Can-Avid
Eastern Samar Salcedo
Eastern Samar Mercedes
Eastern Samar Guiuan
Eastern Samar Quinapondan
Eastern Samar Giporlos
Eastern Samar Balangiga
Eastern Samar Lawaan
Eastern Samar San Julian
Eastern Samar Sulat
Eastern Samar Taft
Eastern Samar Dolores
Eastern Samar Oras
Eastern Samar Jipapad
Envelope Example
Philippines Envelope Example
For more explanation, please read the official document: phl.pdf . (English)

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